• Branding
  • Website
  • App
  • 2018

We have created a platform that allows connecting centres and bowlers, revolutionising the way we’re used to playing this fantastic game. The app automatically collects stats from all frames a user bowls. Based on the data, users can get all the insights needed to take bowlers to the next level. It’s also the first online hub for regional, national and global tournaments users can play from their home centre.

OUR Work

Our team helped in the creation of the popular features that you can find in the bowling app and these are tracking games pin-by-pin, following friends and stars, challenging friends wherever they are, playing global or national tournaments from your home centre, reviewing stats from all frames in the app, training as well as tournaments, digital scorecards, checking live scoring, checking leaderboards, sharing your best scorecards on social media, following friends and competitors in the Live Scoring feature and it supports multiple languages.

The Concept

The application allows you to collect your statistics automatically that are taken directly from a Bowling Center so that you can track your scores and progress regularly.

Workers Involved

PROJECT MANAGERSYania Junco, Agata Śliwowska
DESIGNERSLeonardo Gómez
DEVELOPERSIsidro Rodríguez, Carlos Calero, Alejandro Guerra, Diovi Robinet, Ernesto Santana, Anibal Sánchez, Humberto Martínez, Mikita Yarmusik


DEVELOPMENTiOS Native/Swift, Android Native/Java, WebSocket, Retrofit, Moya
DESIGNFigma, Adobe Experience, Adobe After Effect